However, it didn't save me from it on Monday. I had bought another foundation in the same Maybelline Instant Age Rewind line because I didn't see anywhere on the ingredients "Goji berry". I put it on Monday and wore it all day. By the time I washed it off, my face was a big ugly mess and got worse. After taking two Benadryl and some Alavert, I was finally able to go to sleep. I was miserable.
Before I fell asleep though, I did a quick comparison of the ingredients in the two foundations to see what was going on. What was the culprit? Sure enough it was Goji berry, BUT it was listed under the scientific name...lycium barbarum. After a quick Google search, it popped up. UGH! Why couldn't they just put on the front of the label that it had Goji Berry in it like on the other foundation??? It would've saved me a very comfortable few days this week. (I really did like the coverage, but I'm NOT going through that every time I wear it.)
I hope this will save someone else from experiencing what I did...even if you THINK you might be sensitive to them.

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