You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News.
~Philippians 1:7b~
~Philippians 1:7b~
God's special favor, His grace, is what's required to get through each and every day. We all know there are some days that we need even more of it just to get the bare necessities done...daily housekeeping, language arts/English, and math. During times when life is a daily struggle or hourly one, we need to remember to lean on His everlasting arms to hold us up. Maybe you're in one of those valleys right now. Keep the faith! He will be there to get you through it. If you're on a mountaintop, thank Him for the wonderful view...and enjoy every minute of it!
Do you ever wonder how you're going to deal with being cooped up in the house every day with the kids for the duration of their schooling? It can be a daunting task. Whether we are suffering from “cabin fever” or out enjoying the day, we should still be sharing the gospel. We have Good News to share every day with everyone. No matter what we're going through, it can't compare to the agony and anguish our Lord and Savior suffered before His death. In the shadow of the cross, we have a whole new perspective of our own circumstances. He does care about every detail of our lives and the lives of our children. Because of that, we need to show Him how much we appreciate His love and sacrifice.
According to today's verse, we are to “defend and confirm the truth” of the gospel. How are we meant to defend the truth? When I think of defensive action, I think of sports which is unusual because I watch very little sports. Defensive players are meant to protect their end zone, goal, or basket to the best of their ability. This leads me to believe we are meant to protect the truth of the gospel. We must not let anything harm the purity of the gospel. If we don't know how to do it ourselves, we need to study our Bibles. Our kids will find it much easier to defend it if we can show them how to study and discern alongside them...and by doing so, we also confirm the truth of the Scriptures.
Father God~
I pray for the wisdom to learn the Scriptures effectively. I would love to be able to aptly defend the truth. Please also help me to learn how to teach my kids to be able to do the same. We need your grace to help us get through each day. Help us find those things we can use to accomplish everything to confirm and defend our faith. Bring to light anything in our home and schooling that doesn't do that.
In Your Service~ Amen

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