After about two days of trying to take care of me on their own, it was my daughter who called my mom, who was a LVN, to come help. I remember lying on the bed facing the wall and trying to get some rest when my mom walked in the room. When she started talking to me, I remember how serious her voice and face immediately got. She told the kids to call 9-1-1, so I could go to the hospital ASAP. I begged and pleaded not to call for an ambulance because I had no insurance and that was just going to cost even more money. They got in contact with one of the deacons from a church we had been attending who rushed over and got me in their SUV. I was in the ER shortly after that. I remember sitting in the wheelchair and starting to slump down when my mom pounded on the double doors for someone to come help me right away. They came out and took me in the back. I don't even remember them taking my blood, but my blood sugar/glucose level was 720!!! YIKES!!! I had diabetic ketoacidosis (aka DKA).
I was in the ER for almost 12 hours before a room finally opened up in the ICU. I was extremely dehydrated to the point where they gave me over 12 units before I even thought of having to use the restroom. I was in the ICU for another 2.5 days before I was transferred to a telemetry room where I spent another 2 days. I was put on insulin while in the hospital. After my release and seeing another doctor, I was also put on Metformin. I continued take both of those daily up until last year.
I thought I was well-controlled on my meds because I knew just how much to take of the Humulin and the Metformin. I was following and eating plan I thought was working because I knew how to control my levels...until the hormones would kick in once a month. (I would always spike to over 200 no matter what I did...until we discussed using Depo-Provera to stop my cycles. It worked...BTW.) How much Humulin 70/30 was I taking every day? It was a sliding scale but between 35-50 twice a day. I was taking 1000mg/1 gm of Metformin twice daily as well. That was keeping me in check and my doctor/NP happy.
Late in 2012, my dd, N, and I decided to research diets to find one that we thought we could stick with long-term and would be relatively cheap and easy. Discipline wasn't really the issue because we were already working out at the Y 5-6 days a week. That's when we came across Atkins. Since being on Atkins, I haven't had ANY Humulin or Metformin for a year!!! Praise the Lord!!! It has truly been a Godsend for us.
I do still check my blood sugar...especially when I add new things back into my diet or if I'm not feeling too well. It's been just fine. That is the first thing I always go to check now.
I am living proof you can turn this lifestyle of Type2 diabetes around. (I should mention that when I was taken to the ER I was not overweight, so you can still have Type2 and be at a normal weight.)
Have a blessed day...and thanks for reading!!!

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