For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return.
~Philippians 1:10~
~Philippians 1:10~
How do you convey what really matters to you? You discuss it all the time, don't you? What do your children believe is important to you? Homeschool curriculum? Their grades? Their penmanship? How often do you talk about Jesus to your kids? For that matter, how often do I?
Each day as I study (and write) these devotionals, I get just as convicted as I think you will. Just today at lunch, I spent quite awhile probing my kids for their thoughts on the curriculum we're using. Other than praying over our meal, we didn't speak about Him. I truly believe the saying that, “Christ is the head of every house, the unseen guest at every meal, and the silent listener to every conversation.” What exactly did He see and hear? What does He see and hear at your house? I know some days we forget that. We can be so wrapped up in what's happening in our lives that we don't remember that He is there with us.
When we remember He is with us, it makes us more aware of what choices we're making each and every day. When those choices are following His will for us and our kids, we know we are living lives that are pure and blameless. What a relief that can be! (<-- That's this font's exclamation point.) Imagine what it would be like to never have to second guess ourselves. How much freedom would you experience? We wouldn't have doubts about WHAT we're using to homeschool our kids, HOW we're homeschooling them, and most importantly WHY we're homeschooling them. If you don't know the what, how, or why you're teaching your kids, now is the time to pray asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance to help you find your own motivation. I can tell you it is very difficult to stay on course during this journey without knowing your own motivations. To avoid burnout, we need to always be mindful of the fact that Christ is the head of every house and every homeschool. If He has truly called us to homeschool, He is faithful to equip us to do just that. That is how we, as homeschoolers, live in a way that is pure and blameless.
Father God~
I would love to feel what it's like to live a pure and blameless life. I feel like I fail in so many ways on a daily basis. Show me how not to feel like that. I want to relinquish control to You. If I need to change my focus or resources for homeschooling (or any area of life), please bring it to my mind. I want You to understand You really matter to me...and I want my kids to know You matter to me, too.
In Jesus' Name~ Amen

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