Friday, January 31, 2014

Discipline and the Single Parent

Even when going through a divorce, your kids still need to know rules are still rules. There will still be a routine and schedule. There will still be consequences for breaking the rules. I know it may seem like a cruel thing to discipline your kids when going through such a hard time. However, they need the consistency as well as you.In the moment, it is hard to follow through when you know you all are hurting. You need to keep in mind what your goal is for your children in the long run. It can be especially difficult if their other parent is extra lenient or inconsistent.

I had to remember I wanted to be the best single parent God wanted me to be. Letting them get away with breaking the rules would only serve to teach them that you only have to follow the rules when everything is right with their world. I really didn't want my kids to learn that. When life is full of difficulty and hurt, the lesson I wanted them to learn was rely on God. He will get you through...and He will provide a way to either get out of it or get through it. Many times He wants to use the situation to teach us lessons.

Single mom or single dad, how do you want your kids to deal with difficulties in their life? What do you want them to know? Figure those things out...really. Do you have those things written down or at least clear in your mind? Great. Here comes the tough question: How are YOU an example of those things? How am I doing with that? Let God show you how to deal with everyday situations. Let Him lead you to the right way to parent your kids. Be the best mom or dad you know how to be with His help. 

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