Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy.
~Philippians 1:4~
~Philippians 1:4~
I really hope during your quiet time with the Lord you have often had moments of joy. I know there are times in life where you might not feel joyful. When there are times of sorrow or brokenness, we need to all draw near to Him to feel his comfort. When I've found myself in those dark times and have the intimate fellowship with Him, I do find myself coming away with a sense of joy. I need to point out how joy differs from happiness. Happiness is a momentary emotion based on current circumstances. Being happy is having free time to treat the kids to ice cream because, by some miracle, all of them finished their work early. Joy is a deep down confidence that God is always working in our lives and doing what He knows is best for us. This verse reminds us to pray and ask with joy.
Let's look at this a little closer. “Whenever I pray” is based on a choice He gives us. Whenever you get around to it, I'm here to help you, My Child. He is always wanting us to be close to Him to be an intimate friend. When you don't know which math or English to choose, he's there saying, “Ask Me. I know what's best for you and your children.” Sometimes in the busyness of our days, we have forgotten to go to Him. (If you're like I am, there may have even been stretches of days or, dare I say, weeks when we've done little more than the rote prayers before meals.) You start to wonder why is it that everything seems like a struggle. Maybe we need to remember to really pray...to pour out our hearts but also to listen to His answers to us. When we've really relinquished our options to Him, that is when we KNOW we can pray for everyone with real joy.
Where do we need to find our joy? In what areas do we already have joy? I can tell you I don't find joy in teaching some subjects...like art and some sciences. In spite of that, my youngest son really likes science. I know for certain that is all God's doing. When you don't have clear direction, step aside and let Him guide you.
Dear Father God~
I know I may not always set aside time with you each day. Sometimes circumstances pop up and throw a wrench into my entire day. When I don't get my quiet time with You, other things steal my joy. It could be a temporary glitch, or it could be a real emergency that could put my life on hold for quite a while. I want you to know, when I miss my time with You, it really begins to show. I will commit to spend time with You. I need Your help to focus on what's important to You, and to do everything I can with joy.
With Your Joy~ Amen
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