I never thought I'd be strong or brave enough to give myself shots because I was a total wimp. I had even made arrangements with a neighbor who was a nurse to come over and give me my shots. (I can handle getting shots, but there was NO way I was going to give myself shots.) The nurse came in the room to teach me how to draw the insulins. They didn't have premixed insulin then, so I had to draw both regular (fast-acting) and NPH (long-lasting). Still not a problem. She told me I had a choice of injection sties, so, being pregnant, I chose my thighs. I wiped it with the alcohol, then she told me to inject myself. (Say WHAT!?!) I was just about to beg the nurse to do it for me when M kicked me; it was like he was telling me it wasn't just for my good but for his as well. After a few deep breaths, I finally did it. I decided that I was worrying about it for no reason because the finger pricks were more painful than the shots were.
For the next two months, I was eating like a horse and giving myself injections, and my neighbor didn't have to rearrange her schedule just to give me shots. I remember thinking it was so strange how my blood sugar levels immediately returned to normal levels right after giving birth. I never had gestational diabetes again with my other pregnancies. The doctor told me to keep my weight within the normal range, so I wouldn't be among the statistics of women who got Type 2 diabetes within 10 years of being a gestational diabetic. I can honestly say I wasn't part of that statistic. I'm in a class all by myself! lol I'll tell you about my next adventure with diabetes next time.

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