Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
~Philippians 1:3~
~Philippians 1:3~
This is easy to do with a lot of people, but sometimes it can be very difficult to do with our own families. Every time we think about our kids (especially as our students) do we give thanks. We do when they've earned good grades, completed a fantastic project, or finally learned how to read. It's not so easy when they have questioned why they need to learn algebra, when you've had them sound out their phonics for the millionth time and still can't sound out the whole word, or conveniently forgot to do their chores or that writing assignment. It's enough to make you pull your hair out or hide in the bathroom for a few minutes to collect your cool again.
Those are the days when looking for ways to thank God for that child can be the most difficult, but THOSE are the days we need to do it the most. They need to know we're grateful for them as the blessings they are in our lives. Not only are they in our lives because God believes we have things to teach them that only we can, the reverse is also true. We can learn a lot from them. Our children seem to magnify the good traits and the bad in our own lives. As we teach them, we also need to be open and willing to learn from God. How often do we ask those same kinds of questions with God? Why do I need to do this? Can't it wait until later?
Do you ever wonder if God puts these challenging days into the mix to bring you to your knees? Maybe your quiet time with Him is already a sweet time full of fellowship with you and your Savior. How many times do you thank Him for what He's done for you? For the blessings He's already given.
During the day, we need to look for ways to be grateful for our children...even if they've presented us with a ton of challenges. In their own way, they've made me go to My Father for more strength, grace, and peace. I want you to be able to say about your own family, “EVERY time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”
Dear Heavenly Father~
I want so much to be able to count my blessings every day. My children are a source of delight in my life, but there are days where that delight is more hidden than others. Please help me to see that my children usually are just as frustrated on difficult days as I am. Help me to point them to You...to still find ways to be thankful for them. Without them in my life, it would be so empty. Even on the worst days, I'm going to CHOOSE to give thanks for them EVERY time I pray.
In Jesus' Name~ Amen

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