Friday, January 3, 2014

My Fitness Routine Overview

Working out needs to be a part of your weight-loss journey. I have been a member of my local YMCA since July 2011. At first, I could barely do 15 minutes of cardio on the recumbent bike...which is still my favorite cardio equipment because I have lower back issues. It has a back on it which gives a lot of support for my back. When I go to the Fitness Center, I still use the recumbent bike; I just can last longer on a different type of workout and level. I also use the following weight machines: Seated leg press, glute, hip abductor, hip adductor, pec fly, seated row, tricep press, ab crunch, torso rotation, and back extension.

I do spend more time taking group classes though. Fitness 101, at our Y, is basically beginning step along with using hand weights and mat work for the last 15 minutes of class. I usually wear Velcro wrist weights throughout the class. I also take an intermediate/advanced step class and two dance classes. (Psst...wanna know a secret? I will be taking over one of the dance classes. Shh...that's just between us.)

 I hope this helps to give you a little bit better picture of what it's taken to get the results I've seen the last year.
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